No one enjoys paying for home insurance. It’s just one of those inevitable and unavoidable expenses when owning a house. However, the good news is that there are many steps you can take to lower the premiums that make all your hard-earned cash disappear. Take a minute to learn how you can save on insurance by installing impact windows and impact doors in West Palm Beach, FL.
How You Can Reduce Your Premiums
The first step is the most obvious and the most important: you need to upgrade your exterior windows and doors to hurricane- and impact-resistant models. Then, you should contact a professional who can conduct a wind mitigation inspection on your home and forward the results to the insurance company on your behalf. After that, you should communicate with your insurance company about reducing your premiums. It shouldn’t take long for you to see a decrease.
In fact, according to the Florida Department of Financial Services, average homeowners typically overpay by 22% or more before receiving a wind mitigation inspection. After the inspection, many homeowners save up to 50% on their annual home insurance premiums. It’s that easy.
Contact Saturno Glass and Mirror Co., Inc. for more money-saving information about impact windows and impact doors in West Palm Beach.